Job Description
- Review, evaluate and implement new administrative procedures
- Delegate work to office support staff
- Establish work priorities and ensure procedures are followed and deadlines are met
- Carry out administrative activities of establishment
- Co-ordinate and plan for office services such as accommodation, relocation, equipment, supplies, forms, disposal of assets, parking, maintenance and security services
- Assist in the preparation of operating budget and maintain inventory and budgetary controls
- Assemble data and prepare periodic and special reports, manuals and correspondence
- Oversee and co-ordinate office administrative procedures
Computer and technology knowledge
- MS Excel
- MS Office
- MS Windows
- MS Word
Work conditions and physical capabilities
- Work under pressure
- Tight deadlines
- Attention to detail
Personal suitability
- Efficient interpersonal skills
- Excellent oral communication
- Excellent written communication
- Flexibility
- Organized
- Reliability
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